Saturday 29 August 2015

Paddyfield Warbler-Collieston Churchyard

After the good finds of the Forvie Greenish Warbler and supporting cast, it seemed maybe things would turn quieter:
Perhaps birds working down the coast, or maybe the extra cover in Collieston has held more, but new sightings since included a new Reed Warbler on Wednesday at the roadside bushes, and then yesterday 1 + Pied Flycatcher, Lesser Whitethroat, Garden Warbler and Wood Warbler. There was also a very fleeting sighting of an interesting acrocephalus warbler first thing yesterday in the churchyard, but it was not seen in the evening.
 Its identity was sorted this morning as a Paddyfield Warbler- new for the patch, and only the second for the region following the Logie Buchan bird a few years ago, which was only seen by a few.
Mostly extremely elusive , when it does show it seems to be best to view from the road.It does call fairly regularly-a usually quiet "chek". First thing it also gave a couple of "cherr" calls.
It usually frequents more eastern locations in Central Asia and around the Caspian and Black seas.

Bit of cloud appearing outside just now, so maybe some hope it will stay for another day.

There was also Reed Warbler, Pied Flycatcher and Lesser Whitethroat in the nearby roadside trees and bushes.

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